Saturday, 22 October 2011


This week we are learning curves and contours.  It was the best week yet.  Most interesting  

It is a real challenge creating the right  curvature on the knitting machine.  We started by making oval and ellipse shapes.  Using sock heel technique we created bust shapes.  We also used various darts using short rowing and moving over stitches to make bust shapes.  So many possibilities.  We continued to make lot of samples. Each time using an other method like poinntelle and closed fashioning.  

We also knitted circular sections using various way of short 
rowing, increasing and decreasing methods.

This is the playing with shaping

Some more experimenting 

We knitted various textures using all the above technique. 

We had such a great time playing with all these great techniques

Two more week to go

              Above is adding new different yarn using 
              short rowing.



             Same technique as on other sample
             only different placement 
             How cool is that


          I will not delete this photo because 
          I just might  deleting the complete blog again.  
          I am new at this.


That week was all about making an garment to size which included, making swatches. and working out the math.  You could pick a sample garment and make that to size.  I created my own which is still in progress.  The third photo is the front part to my sweater.

 These are sample pieces  to work out the design
 But I used 4 other textures

I ran out of wool.  Their was an other cone but it was a different dye lot.  So have to redesign to work in the other dye lot of yarn.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The second week was all about Manipulated Lace
It was about transferring stitches to  an basic fully fashioning. How to make pointelle in squares and diamond and circle shapes. We covered travelling ladders and making slashes It is the making of very
open knitted lace pieces and deconstructed knit pieces.

We also cover some Contemporary Cables
With the cable we cover various kinds of cables at multiple placement.  We also covered travelling cables and plaits. We used cable in seam and joining fabrics with cables

Monday, 3 October 2011

Photo of samples

All knitted on standard
Brothers knitting machine

First Week at Knit One

First week is done. But what a week
It was all about Modern Stripes.  Which cover combining 2 to 4 colours, Ombre strip Blurring and Weaving.  We also did some short row techniques to create various curving strips
Designed and made punch cards. for slip tuck and jacquard
Played with a bit engineering  jacquards  So much fun.